Hans-Peter Chromy (75)

* 26.04.1943 † 14.09.2018
Begräbnis : 02.10.2018
Uhrzeit:11:00 Uhr
Ort:FH Siedlung Maria Theresia

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Hans-Peter Chromy


† 14.09.2018

Peter Baldia:

Three stars (Eddie Cochran) Look up in the sky, up towards the north There are three new stars, brightly shining forth They're shining oh so bright, from heaven above Gee we're gonna miss you, everybody sends their love Ritchie, you were just starting to reallize your dreams Everyone calls me a kid, but you were only seventeen Now almighty God has called you, oh so far away Maybe it's to save some boy or girl, who might have gone astray And with your star shining through the dark and lonely night To light the path and show the way, the way that's right Gee we're gonna miss you, everybody sends their love Buddy, I can still see you with that shy grin on your face Seems like your hair was always a little messed up, kinda out of place Now not many people actually knew you, or understood how you felt But just a song from, just a song from you could make the coldest heart melt Well, you're singing for God now, in his chorus in the sky Buddy Holly, I'll always remember you, with tears in my eyes Gee we're gonna miss you, everybody sends their love I see a stout man, the Big Bopper's your name God called you to heaven, maybe for new fortune and fame Keep wearing that big Stetson hat, and ramble up to the mic And don't forget those wonderful words, "you know what I like" Look up in the sky, up towards the north There are three new stars, brightly shining forth They're shining oh so bright, from heaven above Gee we're gonna miss you, everybody sends their love. R.I.P. Peter
Geschrieben am 01.10.2018 um 16:52

Sylvia & Herbert Hawlé:

Du wirst uns als Präsident des First Vienna Rock´n Roll Clubs immer in liebevoller Erinnerung bleiben.
Geschrieben am 28.09.2018 um 18:29
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